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February 23, 2024

Improved Keyboard Navigation

Interact with your editor faster by using your keyboard.

In addition to the existing keyboard shortcuts, we have introduced several new keyboard navigation features to further enhance your experience while writing content. These features allow you to quickly and efficiently perform actions on your blocks without the need for a mouse.

  • You can now use the arrow keys, specifically the up and down arrows, to effortlessly navigate through your documents. This makes it easier to move between different sections or documents without having to manually scroll.

  • To toggle block focus, simply press Enter or Escape. This allows you to easily switch between blocks and focus on the specific one you want to edit or modify.

  • Deleting a block has never been easier with the introduction of the Cmd + Del shortcut. This allows you to quickly remove a block from your document without the need for multiple clicks or menu options.

  • To copy a block, press Cmd + C, and to paste it somewhere else, use Cmd + V. This makes it effortless to duplicate content or move it to a different section within your document.

  • Lastly, you can also cut a block by using the Cmd + X shortcut. This removes the block from its current position and allows you to paste it elsewhere, providing a seamless editing experience.

With these improved keyboard navigation features, we aim to make the process of writing and editing content even more efficient and user-friendly.